Dr Ajay Pratap. "An Introduction to the Rock Art of the Eastern Vindhyan Fringe". 3 Aug 2024
V Venkayya Epigraphy Award 2024
Inviting Nominations for THT - Prof. Swaminathan Award 2024
Dear friends,
We are inviting nominations for the THT - Prof S. Swaminathan Heritage Award 2024
As a lover of Indian heritage, you will have come across someone who is doing great work in this area. He or she may be contributing in one or more of the following ways:
a. Preserving our heritage - through conservation, documentation etc.,
b. Disseminating knowledge and information about our heritage - through writing books, articles, giving public lectures, conducting heritage walks, workshops etc.,
c. Deepening our understanding of our heritage - through academic research, fieldwork, etc.
In 2020, Tamil Heritage Trust instituted the THT-Prof S. Swaminathan Heritage Award to recognise the contributions of such "heritage heroes".
If you know someone who you believe should be considered for such a recognition, we invite you to nominate them for the award.
Please read below for details of the award, who is eligible, and for information on how to nominate.
The last date for receiving nominations is August 18th, 2024.
Please note that we will be including nominations that were received last year for consideration for this year’s award. If you have nominated someone last year and would like to update your nomination please use the new online nomination form to submit any additional information.
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The Tamil Heritage Trust-Prof S. Swaminathan Heritage Award (THT-SS Award) aims to recognize exceptional individual contributions towards the understanding, dissemination and preservation of Indian Heritage.
1. An individual can either be self-nominated or by another individual. FAQs: THT-Prof. S. Swaminathan Heritage Award What is the award? The THT-Prof. S. Swaminathan Award consists of a citation and a prize of Rs 25,000 Who is eligible to apply for the award? We welcome nominations from any individual who is a citizen of India and is ordinarily resident in India. Organisations and institutions – like Societies, Trusts, Interest Groups etc – are not eligible. Do note that this award is for nominees who are between 20 and 50 years of age as of July 15 th , 2024.
What are the criteria for selection? The work done by the nominee must relate to the previous 5 years. The judges will look for, among other qualities and parameters: · New discoveries or insights · Thoroughness of knowledge in the chosen area · Scholarly rigour in the individual’s output · Demonstrable eagerness to share with the public and involve them in a dialog · Consistency and persistence of the effort
In what language should the Nomination be submitted? Nominations can be sent in English or Tamil only.
Is it necessary for the Winner to deliver the Award Lecture? Yes, the Winner will be expected to deliver the Award Lecture at the Ceremony, either in English or Tamil on a topic of her/his choice.
When will the winner be announced? The winner will be announced shortly before the Award Ceremony and the Award Lecture in Sep/Oct 2024.
When and Where is the Awards Ceremony? The Ceremony will take place in Sep/Oct 2024 in Chennai. Details of the ceremony will be announced later.
Is there an Entry Fee? No, there is no fee involved.
Terms + Conditions of entry The Award will be made solely at the discretion of the Jury. No feedback or correspondence will be entered into about the results and the Jury’s decision is final. For any clarifications, please contact us at: Mail: admin@tamilheritage.in Ashwin Prabhu, Ph: 98407-18533 |
Non-Divine Female Figures in Medieval Temples - By Rekha Rao - July 6, 2024