Inviting nominations for the THT-Prof S Swaminathan Heritage Award 2023

As a lover of Indian heritage, you will have come across someone who is doing great work in this area. He or she may be contributing in one or more of the following ways:

a. Preserving our heritage - through conservation, documentation, etc.
b. Disseminating knowledge and information about our heritage - through writing books, articles, blog posts, giving lectures, conducting heritage walks, etc.
c. Deepening our understanding of our heritage through academic research, fieldwork, etc.
In 2020, Tamil Heritage Trust instituted the THT-Prof S Swaminathan Heritage Award to recognize the contributions of such "heritage heroes".
If you know someone who you believe should be considered for such recognition, we invite you to nominate them for the Award.
Please click here for details of the Award, who is eligible, and how to nominate.
The last date for receiving nominations is July 2, 2023.
Nominations that were not considered for the Award in previous years can be sent again this year.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
With regards,
THT-Prof S Swaminathan Heritage Award Committee
PS:  For any clarifications, please send a mail to or contact one of the following:

Ashwin Prabhu: +91 98407 18533
Kishore Mahadevan: +91 9940025869