The Importance of Prakrit in Literature and Religion. By Dr Abhijeet Alagoudar. December 3, 2022

Prakrits were a group of Indo-Aryan languages that were in vogue between 500 BC and 500 AD. The Buddha and Bhagwan Mahaveera preached in Prakrit. It is important to know Prakrit to understand the history of Indian languages. It is also the base to learn ancient Indian Philosophies. Scholars opine that understanding of Sanskrit language is not complete unless you learn Prakrits. 

In his talk, Dr. Abhijeet Alagoudar will introduce the concept of Prakrits, discuss some of the variants and dialects, explore the use of Prakrit in drama and poetry as well as religious texts, and touch upon the evolution of some of today's languages from the Prakrit source. About the Speaker Dr. Abhijeet Alagoudar is a member of the faculty in the Department of Studies in Jainology and Prakrits, University of Mysore. He holds a BA in Sanskrit, MA in Prakrit and was awarded his Ph.D. by the University of Mysore. He has authored four books on various aspects of Jainism and has edited and translated two more including a Dictionary for Jaina Technical Terms. He is also a manuscript reader for the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi. He has been invited to teach Jaina Philosophy by various institutions and has presented papers in several international seminars.

தமிழ்ப் பாரம்பரிய அறக்கட்டளை -தொல்லியல் நோக்கில் தமிழ்ச் சமுதாயம் முனைவர் சொ .சாந்தலிங்கம்

முனைவர் சொ. சாந்தலிங்கம் அவர்கள் M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., பட்டங்களுடன், தொல்லியல் மற்றும் கல்வெட்டியலில் மேற்படிப்புப் பட்டயமும் பெற்றுள்ளார். தமிழ்நாடு அரசு தொல்லியல் துறையில் முப்பது ஆண்டுகள் தொல்லியல் அலுவலராக பணியாற்றி ஓய்வு பெற்றவர். அவரது பணியின்போது போளுவாம்பட்டி, கொடுமணல், அழகன்குளம், மாங்குடி, மாங்குளம் மற்றும் பல இடங்களில் தொல்லியல் அகழ்வாராய்ச்சியில் பங்கேற்றிருக்கிறார். அவர் வெளியிட்டுள்ள நூல்களில் சில: குடிமியான்மலை, வரலாற்றில் தகடூர், திருக்கோயில் உலா, தமிழர் பண்பாடுகள் , தேவாங்கர் வாழ்வும் வழிபாடும், தொல்லியல் ஆய்வுகள், மற்றும் மதுரையில் சமணம். மேலும் இணை ஆசிரியராகவும், இணைப் பதிப்பாசிரியராகவும் பற்பல நூல்களை வெளியிட்டுள்ளார். தேசிய, சர்வதேச அளவில் நடத்தப்பட்ட கருத்தரங்குகளில் ஆங்கிலம் மற்றும் தமிழில் 80க்கும் மேற்பட்ட தாள்களை வழங்கியிருக்கிறார். தற்போது தமிழ்நாடு அறநிலைத்துறையில் தொல்பொருள் ஆலோசகர், மதுரை பாண்டிய நாடு வரலாற்று மையத்தின் செயலாளர், இந்திய வரலாற்று காங்கிரஸில் வாழ்நாள் உறுப்பினர் போன்று பல இயக்கங்களில் பதவிகள் வகித்து வருகிறார். முனைவர் சொக்கலிங்கம் சிறந்த தொல்லியல் ஆய்வாளருக்கான ராஜராஜ சோழன் விருது, வாழ்நாள் சாதனையாளர் விருது, சிறந்த நூல் விருது (தமிழக அரசால் வழங்கப்பட்டது) மேலும் பல்வேறு தரப்பில் இருந்து 20க்கும் மேற்பட்ட விருதுகளை பெற்றுள்ளார்.

Going North: Monks and Pilgrims from South India Journeying to Bihar, Dr Claudine Bautze-Picron, 5th Nov 2022

In her online Talk for THT, "Going North: Monks and Pilgrims from South India Journeying to Bihar", Dr Claudine Bautze-Picron discusses the important group of Kurkihar images, as well as the Saiva images found in Bihar that reflect a Southern influence. She will also introduce Saiva images from Eastern India which were brought back in the 11th c. to Tamil Nadu where they are still under worship. Monks from all over India and Asia travelled to the Buddhist homeland in Bihar; the names of some of them have been preserved for posterity, though many more have remained anonymous. While journeying to Magadha, these monks stayed in different monasteries, such as the one which was located in Kurkihar where a large collection of stone and cast images and objects has been recovered. Some of them are inscribed with names of their donors who came from various cities like Kanchi and regions like Andhra. About the Speaker: Dr Claudine Bautze-Picron was till recently researcher at the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” (National Centre for Scientific Research), Paris. Her research mainly concentrates on stylistic and iconographic issues in the art of eastern India (Bihar/West Bengal/Bangladesh) from the 8th to the 12th century. Beside numerous articles, she has published Eastern Indian Sculpture in the Museum of Indian Art, Berlin (Berlin, 1998); The Bejewelled Buddha from India to Burma, New Considerations (New Delhi, 2010), and The forgotten Place, Stone Sculpture at Kurkihar (New Delhi: Archaeological Survey of India, 2014). She is based in Berlin, Germany.

கோயில் கட்டிடக்கலையில் அறிவியல் - முனைவர் கே. தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி ஸ்தபதி

Saturday, 15th Oct 2022 5.30pm Tamil Heritage Trust கோயில் கட்டிடக்கலையில் அறிவியல் பேச்சின்சுருக்கம்: கோயில்கட்டிடங்கள் நாம் கண்ணால் பார்க்கக்கூடிய தொன்மையாகவும் (Tangible heritage), அவற்றைக்கட்ட கட்டிடக்கலைஞர்கள் பயன்படுத்திய அறிவியல், கணிதம்,அழகியல் போன்றவை கண்ணுக்குப் புலன்படாத தொன்மையாகவும் (Intangibleheritage) திகழ்கின்றன. கோயில் கட்டிடங்களில்தான் நமது பண்பாட்டின்அடித்தளம் இன்றளவும் வாழ்கிறது. இக்கட்டிடங்களில் இயற்கையின் அறிவியல் கோட்பாடுகள்கணிதக்கூறுகளாய், கட்டிடக்கலை அறிவியலாய், அழகியலாய் மறைந்திருக்கின்றன. நமது முன்னோர்கள் தங்களின் இயற்கை மற்றும் பிரபஞ்சம்குறித்தான அறிவியல் ஆய்வுகளை அழிக்க இயலாத கற்கோயில்களிலும், சிற்பங்களிலும் பதிவு செய்து விட்டுச்சென்றிருக்கின்றனர்.   முனைவர் க. தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி ஸ்தபதி அவர்கள் தன் சொற்பொழிவில்இந்த கருப்பொருளை விரிவுபடுத்தும் வகையில் தன் பரந்த அனுபவங்களின் அடிப்படையில்மலர்ந்த தன் ஆழ்ந்த புரிதலைப் பகிர்ந்துகொள்வார்.  பேச்சாளர்பற்றி:  முனைவர் கே. தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி ஸ்தபதி அவர்கள், கோயில் கட்டிடக்கலையில் B Sc பட்டமும், தத்துவம்,கலாச்சாரம் மற்றும் மதம் ஆகியவற்றில் எம்.ஏ பட்டுமும்பின்னர் தமிழ்ப் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் முனைவர் பட்டமும் பெற்றார். அவர், அமெரிக்கா, இங்கிலாந்து, கனடா, ஆஸ்த்ரேலியா,நியூஜீலாந்து, மலேசியா, சிங்கப்பூர், இலங்கை உள்ளிட்ட நாடுகளில் 100-க்கும்மேற்பட்ட கோயில்களை வடிவமைத்துள்ளார்.  தமிழ்நாடு இந்துசமய அறநிலையத் துறையின் ஆலோசகராகவும், திருப்பதியிலுள்ள TTD ஸ்ரீவெங்கடேஸ்வரா பாரம்பரிய சிற்பம் மற்றும் கட்டிடக்கலை நிறுவனத்தின் நிபுணர்ஆலோசனைக் குழு உறுப்பினராக பணியாற்றியுள்ளார். டாக்டர் விகணபதி ஸ்தபதியின் வாஸ்து வேத அறக்கட்டளையில் நிர்வாக அறங்காவலராக பதவிவகிக்கிறார்..  இவர், “உளிஎழுத்துக்கள்”, “The Architectural Legacy of Dharmaraja Ratha” மற்றும்,“The Introspection in Indian Architecture” என்ற மூன்று நூல்களைவெளியிட்டுருக்கிறார்.  முனைவர்தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி ஸ்தபதி அவர்கள் உலகெங்கும் விருதுகளால் கௌரவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளார்.அவர்களுக்கு வழங்கபட்ட விருதுகளில்: தமிழ்நாடு அரசின் ‘கலை செம்மல்’ மாநில விருது,  இந்தியாவின் முன்னாள் பிரதமர் ஸ்ரீ ராஜீவ்காந்தியிடமிருந்து ‘தங்கப் பதக்கம்’, சிங்கப்பூர் ஜனாதிபதி ஸ்ரீ. எஸ்.ஆர். நாதன் அவர்களிடமிருந்து  ‘சில்ப கலா ரத்னம்’ பட்டம்,  கனடாவில் உள்ள மாண்ட்ரீலில் ‘சில்ப சூடாமணி’ விருது, கர்நாடக முன்னாள் முதல்வர்ஸ்ரீ. எஸ்.எம்.கிருஷ்ணா, அவர்களிடமிருந்து 'வாஸ்து சில்பகலா சாகரம்' ஆகியவை உள்ளடங்கும். 

The Sea Horse: A South Indian History on Horseback. Dr Yashaswini Chandra. Oct 1, 2022

In her book The Tale of the Horse: A History of India on Horseback, Yashaswini Chandra follows the trail of the animal into and within India until the decline of ‘the age of the horse’ with the onset of colonial rule and mechanisation. It maps both the history of horses in India and their role in shaping Indian history. Informed by a range of sources and spanning a vast swathe of the subcontinent and greater Asia, this monograph presents an account of how horses influenced identities, migration, economies, warfare, literature, art and culture in these parts. In this talk, she focuses on the south Indian side of this history from the medieval period onwards. She discusses the growing importance of cavalry warfare in the region and the resulting increase in the sea trade in horses from the Middle East. She interrogates the testimonies of foreign travellers who denounced horse breeding in the south, highlighting the role of the horse in the rise and fall of the Bahamani sultanate and the Vijayanagara empire. She traces the changes in the horse cultures of the south as various successor states, the Mughals and the Marathas took over different parts. Local breeds of horses emerged over time and the continued significance of the horse was also reflected in livestock fairs and folk traditions. 

The Speaker: Yashaswini Chandra has a PhD from SOAS University of London, and her research bridges history and art history. Her recent book, titled The Tale of the Horse: A History of India on Horseback (New Delhi: Pan Macmillan India [Picador India imprint, 2021]), is based on her interest in animal history. She is an affiliated fellow of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), New Delhi.

"Pandya Society" by Shri Pradeep Chakravarthy, Tuesday, 27th Sept 2022 5.30 pm

THT-Professor S Swaminathan Heritage Award Lecture 2022 on "Some Aspects of Pandya Society with a focus on Trade, Commerce and Women" by Shri Pradeep Chakravarthy. Tamil Heritage Trust is proud to announce that Shri Pradeep Chakravarthy is the winner of the THT-Prof S Swaminathan Award for 2022. The Award, instituted by THT in 2020, aims to honour the work of individuals under the age of fifty who have made significant contributions to deepening the general public’s knowledge of Indian heritage, widening the audience for heritage appreciation, and in the process strengthening our existing knowledge base of heritage assets and resources. The award is named after Prof S. Swaminathan, retired Professor from IIT-Delhi and co-founder of the Tamil Heritage Trust, whose books, monographs and talks on many facets of India’s heritage continue to be a source of inspiration for heritage enthusiasts. The winner was chosen from over twenty five nominations from across the country by a distinguished jury comprising scholars and public intellectuals. Tha Award will be presented on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6 PM at Arkay Convention Centre, Royapettah High Road, Luz, Chennai. This will be followed by the Award Lecture by Shri. Pradeep Chakravarthy on the topic "Some aspects of Pandya society between 600 CE and 1300 CE with a specific focus on trade, commerce and women". About the Speaker: Pradeep Chakravarthy was born in Palayamkottai in 1975. He studied in The School KFI, Madras Christian College (Best Outgoing Student of the Dept award), JNU (Recipient of the Ford Foundation Scholarship) and London School of Economics. He has submitted his PhD with the Madras University on the social, cultural and economic life of the Pandyas as seen from their stone inscriptions. His purpose is to make insights from history on human thought and behaviour relevant for adults and children for their lives today. After an illustrious career in TVS, Cognizant, Infosys and McKinsey, he has been able to marry personal passion and profession by conducting workshops based on lessons from history. Pradeep has 8 books to his credit, the latest being Leadership Shastra and a co-translation of select essays of U Ve Saminatha Iyer. A book on South Indian history for children is in the press. Earlier books include Temples of Tamil Nadu, Thanjavur and Temple Vahanas. He has several articles in leading magazines and newspapers to his credit. He has curated exhibitions in the IIC, Delhi and is a regular speaker on pre-colonial Tamil history. He has partnered in creating almost 20 tours to different districts of Tamil Nadu to showcase the heritage and crafts of that region. He is also in the process of opening the first heritage hotel of Tirunelveli-Tuticorin district to showcase the rich culture of the region. He is formally associated with the Sarasvati Mahal library in Thanjavur and Dakshinachitra.

தொல்காப்பியமும் நடுகல் கல்வெட்டுகளும் - ச. கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி, 5:30 PM, Sep 17, 2022

இந்த சொற்பொழிவில், திரு கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி அவர்கள் தமிழ் எழுத்துக்கள் தொடர்பாகச் தொல்காப்பியத்தின் சொல்லதிகார சிறப்பு, பொருளதிகாரம் மூலம் நடுகல் குறித்த விளக்கம், 100க்கும் மேல் கிடைத்துள்ள பல்லவர் கால வட்டெழுத்து நடுகற்கள், பாண்டியர் சோழர் கால நடுகற்களின் விவரங்களுடன், நடுகல் கள ஆய்வில் தன் அனுபவங்களைப் பற்றியும் பகிர்ந்து கொள்வார்.

The Importance of Prakrit in Literature and Religion by Dr Abhijeet Alagoudar, Sep 3, 2022

Prakrits were a group of Indo-Aryan languages that were in vogue between 500 BC and 500 AD. The Buddha and Bhagwan Mahaveera preached in Prakrit. It is important to know Prakrit to understand the history of Indian languages. It is also the base to learn ancient Indian Philosophies. Scholars opine that understanding of Sanskrit language is not complete unless you learn Prakrits. In his talk, Dr Abhijeet Alagoudar will introduce the concept of Prakrits, discuss some of the variants and dialects, explore the use of Prakrit in drama and poetry as well as religious texts, and touch upon the evolution of some of today's languages from the Prakrit source. About the Speaker Dr Abhijeet Alagoudar is a member of the faculty in the Department of Studies in Jainology and Prakrits, University of Mysore. He holds a BA in Sanskrit, MA in Prakrit and was awarded his PhD by the University of Mysore. He has authored four books on various aspects of Jainism and has edited and translated two more including a Dictionary for Jaina Technical Terms. He is also manuscript reader for the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi. He has been invited to teach Jaina Philosophy by various institutions and has participated and presented papers in several international seminars.

ஓதுவார் சற்குருநாதன் அவர்களுடன் ஒரு உரையாடல், ஆகஸ்ட் 20, 2022, 5.30pm

ஓதுவார் சற்குருநாதன் அவர்களுடன் ஒரு உரையாடல் . திரு பா சற்குருநாதன் தஞ்சாவூர் அருகே உள்ள கருக்காடிப்பட்டி என்ற ஊரில் பிறந்தவர். இவரது தந்தையார் ஆரம்பப் பள்ளி ஆசிரியர். சிதம்பரத்தில் உள்ள வி எஸ் ட்ரஸ்ட் என்ற அமைப்பின் தேவாரப் பாடசாலையில் ஐந்து ஆண்டுகள் முறையாகப் பயின்று தேவார இசைமணி பட்டம் பெற்றவர். இவருடன் பயின்ற 15 மாணவர்களும் இன்று பல்வேறு கோயில்களில் ஓதுவார் பணி செய்கின்றனர். கடந்த 20 ஆண்டுகளுக்கும் மேலாக சென்னை மயிலாப்பூர் கபாலி கோயிலில் பிரதான ஓதுவார் மூர்த்தியாகப் பணியாற்றி வருகிறார்.

V Venkayya Epigraphy Award Lecture - Dr Y Subbarayalu - 12 August 2022

We are delighted to inform you that Dr. Y Subbarayalu, an eminent epigraphist and historian, is the Winner of the V Venkayya Epigraphy Award in its inaugural year, 2022.

The one-of-its-kind Award was instituted by Smt. Sunitha Madhavan, the great-granddaughter of Shri V Venkayya. The Award commemorates Rai Bahadur Shri V Venkayya, a pioneering Epigrapher who was the first Indian Chief Epigraphist to the Government of India.

The annual V Venkayya Epigraphy Award (VVE Award) aims to recognize exceptional individual contributions, any Indian language, towards the discovery of unrecorded inscriptions, interpretation of inscriptions from a refreshingly new perspective, dissemination of wealth of knowledge contained in them by conventional as well as digital medium and preservation of Epigraphic resources for posterity.

The winner was chosen by a jury comprising experts from the field of epigraphy, history, and heritage.

The Award will be presented by the Chief Guest of the occasion, Sri K R A Narasiah, author and historian.

Dr. Subbarayalu will deliver the Award Lecture on "Place Names and Migration of Communities in South India".

Do join us at 6.00 pm IST on Friday, August 12, 2022 for this event at Arkay Convention Centre, Mylapore, Chennai 600004.

Born in 1940, Dr. Y Subbarayalu is one of India’s pre-eminent epigraphers and historians. He was awarded Ph.D. for his thesis “State in Medieval South India, 600-1350 AD”. He has held several academic positions in institutions like Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil University, Thanjavur, etc., He also served as Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo and EPHE, Paris. He was a researcher in the Department of Indology for more than a decade in the French Institute of Pondicherry.

He was General President of the Indian Epigraphical Society Conference, General President of the Indian History Congress, and Member of the Indian Council of Historical Research etc., He directed archaeological excavations at several places including Vallam, Kodumanal and Periyapattinam. He was a Member of the Indo-Japanese project for archaeological explorations in Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Kampuchea and Sri Lanka to study South India--Southeast Asia trade and cultural contacts. He was a Co-ordinator for the project on Historical Atlas of South India undertaken at the French Institute of Pondicherry.

Dr. Subbarayalu has authored, co-authored, and edited many books, publications, and articles. Among them are South India Under The Cholas and Glossary of Tamil Inscriptions; Co-authored with Noboru Karashima and Toru Matsui A Concordance of the Names in the Chola Inscriptions. He has edited South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. XXXIV for ASI and co-edited Inscriptions of the Vijayanagara Rulers, Vol. V, Part I (Tamil Inscriptions).

Inviting nominations for the Tamil Heritage Trust - Prof. S. Swaminathan Heritage Award 2022

The Tamil Heritage Trust-Prof S. Swaminathan Heritage Award (THT-SS Award) aims to recognize exceptional individual contributions towards the understanding, dissemination and preservation of Indian Heritage. By rewarding outstanding work in this area, the Award aspires to encourage interest and involvement of the general public in Indian Heritage, thereby raising the awareness and appreciation of history, literature, arts and culture which deserve our attention and care.

The award aims to recognize and reward the efforts and achievements of individuals. Thus, collective enterprises like societies, trusts and Section 8 companies and other interest groups will not be eligible for the award.


The last date for receiving nominations is Wednesday, August 15th, 2022


The award was instituted in 2020. You can find details of 2020 Award winner at :  The details of 2021 Award winner at:

The Award is based on a nomination and selection process.

The Award will consist of a citation and a prize of Rs.25000/-


Nomination Process


1.     Any individual can nominate any other individual whom they believe has done noteworthy work in the area of Indian heritage.

2.     Individuals can also nominate themselves.

3.     Nominee's age should be between 20 and 50 years.

4.     The individual must be a citizen of India and ordinarily resident in India.

6.     Please click to download the nomination form from here

7.     Nominations must be sent by email along with the nomination form to to reach us before August 15th, 2022.

      Nominations and accompanying details may be in English or Tamil only.


Selection of Winner


A jury comprising members of the THT Award Committee as well as experts from the field of Heritage will select the winner.

As a part of the selection process, the Judges may choose to have an interaction with the nominee in person or over phone.


Award Ceremony & Award Lecture


The THT-Prof. S Swaminathan Heritage Award will be presented at a formal award ceremony in September 2021

The Winner will be invited to present the award lecture at the ceremony. The Winner may choose a topic of her/his choice. The Award Lecture may be in Tamil or English.





Am I eligible to enter?


We welcome Nominations from any individual who is a citizen of India and is ordinarily resident in India. Organisations and institutions – like Societies, Trusts, Interest Groups etc – are not eligible.


What are the criteria for selection?


The work done must relate to the previous 5 years. The judges will look for, among other qualities and parameters:


·                New discoveries or insights

·                Thoroughness of knowledge in the chosen area

·                Scholarly rigour in the individual’s output

·                Demonstrable eagerness to share with the public and involve them in a dialog

·                Consistency and persistence of the effort


In what language should the Nomination be submitted?

Nominations can be sent in English or Tamil only.


Is it necessary for the Winner to deliver the Award Lecture?

Yes, the Winner will be expected to deliver the Award Lecture at the Ceremony, either in Tamil or English, on a topic of her/his choice.


What is the Last Date for Nomination?

The last date for entries to reach THT is August 15th, 2022.


When will the winner be announced?

The winner will be announced shortly before the Award Ceremony and the Award Lecture.


When and Where is the Awards Ceremony?

The Ceremony will take place in September 2022. Details of the ceremony will be announced later. 


Is there an Entry Fee?

No, there is no fee involved.


Terms + Conditions of entry

The Award will be made solely at the discretion of the Jury. No feedback or correspondence will be entered into about the results and the Jury’s decision is final.



About Tamil Heritage Trust (THT)

Tamil Heritage Trust (THT) is a recognized trust (Reg.No. 379/2010) set up with a vision to promote, document and disseminate Indian heritage. The impetus for this came from Prof. S. Swaminathan, who retired as Professor of Mechanical Engineering, IIT-Delhi and Badri Seshadri, a well-known publisher, entrepreneur and heritage enthusiast.

THT’s events are conducted by volunteers with a common interest in Indian heritage and a passion to communicate its richness and beauty to as many people as possible. Aṣ a non-profit organization, the Trust is supported by sponsors and donations by heritage enthusiasts. There is no membership or subscription fees. THT’s Monthly Talks and Pechu Kacheri programs are free for all. The Site Seminars, Mamallapuram Study Tours and How to See a Temple sessions are run on an at-cost basis.

Our mission is to get everyone interested in Indian heritage and, if they are already attracted to this subject, provide them a community they can enjoy learning along with.

Towards this end, we conduct a range of events:

·      Monthly Talks on various aspects of heritage, conducted on the first Saturday of every month

·      Annual Pechu Kacheri (a lecture series) on heritage-related themes in December

·      Periodic Study Tours to Mamallapuram

·      Periodic Workshops on “How to See a Temple” and “How to See a Museum”

·      Annual Site Seminars – weeklong tours to heritage sites of importance in and outside Tamil Nadu

·      Presentations at schools to sensitize youngsters to our heritage

·      Heritage courses for teachers

·      Coordination with the TN Government’s culture/tourism agencies to support and supplement their efforts


You can follow THT on Facebook (/TamilHeritageTrust) and Twitter (@TamilHeritageTN)


About Prof. S Swaminathan


Prof. S Swaminathan is the inspiration behind the Tamil Heritage Trust. As a co-founder, he continues to guide the initiatives and activities of THT.
His interest in India’s rich heritage goes back to his days at IIT-Delhi where he engaged generations of his students in projects and conversations on India’s traditions in art, architecture, music, mathematics and science. After his retirement he made it his life’s mission to educate, inform and inspire interested audiences to discover more about their heritage.
A Professor in Mechanical Engineering in Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi for more than 30 years, Prof Swaminathan also worked in the Centre for Rural Development in IIT Madras, Bharath Gyan Vigyan Samithy, Delhi as the National Coordinator for watershed development and Integrated Rural Technology Centre, Palakkad, Kerala.
Fuelled by an infinite curiosity, his interests range far and wide. He has written a book on the Pallava art of Mamallapuram. His lectures on the paintings of Ajanta are legendary. His talks on an array of topics – 5000 years of Indian Art, The Story of Scripts, the Mathematics of Kolams, the Trees of India and so on - have served as wonderful introductions to awestruck audiences for many years. His erudition makes him equally at home with the fine nuances of Carnatic music, the complexities of Gandhian thought and the refined ideas of Nehru’s scientific temper.
His passion for education, especially of young minds, has led him to work pro-bono with schools and colleges – helping to redesign curriculum at one institution, assisting teachers to bring practical science to the class rooms at another, planting a Sangam-age orchard of tress in a third, and readily sharing his wisdom for the benefit of teachers and students everywhere.
He is the author Mamallapuram: Unfinished Poetry in Stone and monographs on the Paintings of Ajanta, and the Monuments of Pudukottai District.


Contact Us

For any clarifications, please contact us at:


Ashwin Prabhu, Ph: 98407-18533