THT IndoFest 2024 Day 2: Harappan Civlization. June 11, 2024. Speakers: Dr V N Prabhakar. Dr Dennyz Frenez

About the Speakers:

Dr V N Prabhakar is Associate Professor (Archaeology) at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, since September 2020.  He specializes in the Protohistoric Archaeology of India, Field Archaeology, Heritage Management and the Application of Sciences in Archaeology.  He is the Archaeological Sciences Centre Coordinator at IIT Gandhinagar, fostering the application of sciences in archaeology.  He was formerly, Director (of Exploration & Excavation and Institute of Archaeology) at the Archaeological Survey of India.

Dr Denny Frenez received his Ph.D from the University of Bologna (Italy) in 2011. He is currently researching commercial and cross-cultural interactions between urban-level societies in South and Western Asia during the Bronze Age, with a particular focus on the Greater Indus Valley and Eastern Arabia.  He has directed archaeological excavations in India and Oman, worked on collections with museums and expeditions in India, Oman, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.  He teaches graduate and post-graduate courses about the Indus Civilization at the University of Padova (Italy) and IIT Gandhinagar (India).  Since 2017, he has been working as a consultant for archaeology and heritage at the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism of the Sultanate of Oman.