We had the six sessions spread over two days at Ragha Sudha Hall near Nageswara Rao Park. The camp started with MS Subbulakshmi's rendering of Bharathiyar's Tamil translation of Bankim Chandra Chatterji's Vade Mataram.
On Day 1, we had three sessions:
1. Life of Srinivasa Ramanujan by Badri Seshadri.
2. Kirigami by Kagitha Chirpi Ramesh. Ramesh taught children how to make thoranam, and couple of stars by folding and cutting sheets of paper.
3. A stroll in the park to learn about plants by Prof. Swaminathan and Udayakumar. We could cover only around 15 plants are so before the failing light and exhaustion stopped us.
While the camp was only meant for children between 10-15, there were a few kids aged 6-10 as well. Also, many parents stayed on and participated along with the children.
Prof. Swaminathan and Udayakumar in Nageswara Rao Park |
On Day 2,
1. Ramanujan's Math by Balasubramanian. This covered Nested surds, Infinite fractions, Partitions and a bit. Since we felt the session could be a little too technical for younger kids, a parallel session was organized at Arkay Convention Centre, where Isaikkavi Ramanan presented Bharathiyar's story through his poems.
2. Astronomy before the invention of Telescopes by R. Gopu.
3. Hindu Iconography by Prof. Sivaramakrishnan and Badri Seshadri. This was to be followed by a trip to Kapaleeswarar Temple, but unfortunately, we were running out of time and hence this trip was postponed.
Gopu explaining the zodiacs and moon's position |