Tamil Heritage Trust

Tamil Heritage Trust (THT) is a recognized trust (Reg.No. 379/2010) set up with a vision to promote, document and disseminate Indian heritage. The impetus for this came from Prof. S. Swaminathan, retired Professor of Mechanical Engineering, IIT-Delhi, and Dr. Badri Seshadri, a well-known publisher, entrepreneur and heritage enthusiast.

At THT, we are all volunteers with a common interest in Indian heritage. Our passion is to communicate its richness and beauty to everyone around us. Our Monthly Talks and Pechu Kacheri programs are free for all.  Site Seminars, Mamallapuram Study Tours and other workshops have a nominal charge to cover the costs.  We do not levy a membership or subscription fees. Aṣ a non-profit organization, we are supported by sponsorships and donations from heritage enthusiasts. 

Our mission is to get you interested in Indian heritage.  If you are already attracted to this subject, we provide you with an enthusiastic community for sharing your ideas and learning.

We have a range of activities: 
  • Monthly Talk on various aspects of heritage, conducted on the first Saturday of every month
  • Annual Pechu Kacheri, a lecture series on heritage-related themes in December
  • Periodic study tours to Mamallapuram
  • Regular workshops on “How to See a Temple” and “How to See a Museum”
  • Annual Site Seminars – weeklong tours to important heritage sites of India
  • Lectures at schools to sensitize children on our heritage
  • Support TN Government’s culture and tourism departments in their efforts towards promoting Indian heritage